As of June 26th 2021 no restrictions on gatherings due to COVID-19 apply in Iceland
- Limits to the number of people at gatherings are none
- Social distancing rules are none
- Masks are not mandatory anywhere
- Restrictions on any kind of operations are no longer applicable, neither the obligation to register guests nor restrictions on opening hours
Personal infection preventative measures are encouraged and if we experience symptoms we get tested.
Infection prevention
- Surfaces commonly touched by many people, such as door handles and handrails, should be properly cleaned and disinfected regularly.
- Offer access to disinfectant at entrances and near surfaces touched by large numbers of people, such as touch keypads, shopping trolleys and cash registers.
Other regulations due to Covid-19
- Rules on quarantine and isolation still apply
- Rules at the Icelandic borders still apply
Information taken July 2nd from from the webpage, Covid-19. The Directorate of Health and The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management are responsible for this website.