The most popular Icelandic destinations in the year 2020

The most popular Icelandic destinations in the year 2020

At the end of the year 2020 an article was published at local news website,, about the most popular Icelandic destinations in the year 2020. Below you can find the article translated into English. 2020 was a rather unconventional year for tourism. As Icelanders...

COVID-19 vaccine arrives in Iceland

COVID-19 vaccine arrives in Iceland

Iceland’s first shipment of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine landed at Keflavík International Airport this morning, and Iceland monitor reports. Iceland received 10,000 doses of the vaccine today, sufficient for 5,000 people.  Distica is in charge of its...

Press release Iceland opening

Press release Iceland opening

Press release Reykjavík 15.06.2020   As of today, June 15th, Iceland will be opening its borders to tourists. Before starting their journey to Iceland, tourists have to fill out a preregistration form and download the C-19 app on their phones. Upon arrival in...

Specific rules in Hornstrandir nature reserve

Specific rules in Hornstrandir nature reserve

The Environment Agency of Iceland has published specific rules on the traffic and presence of persons in Hornstrandir nature reserve.  The landing of vessels with 51 or more passengers (passengers and crew) and vehicles associated with them is prohibited within...

Seyðisfjördur launches community guidelines for visitors

Seyðisfjördur launches community guidelines for visitors

Seyðisfjördur is presenting a new tool for tourism management: Community specific guidelines targeted at tourists. The launch coincides with the arrival of the first cruise ship of the season in Seyðisfjördur port. Inhabited by about 700 people, the Icelandic coastal...

Fréttatilkynning mars 2019

Fréttatilkynning mars 2019

Komur skemmtiferðaskipa skapa 920 störf og 16,4 milljarða í tekjur    Þessar niðurstöður má lesa úr könnun sem Cruise Iceland lét gera á áhrifum af komum skemmtiferðaskipa á efnahagslíf landsins. Könnunin var unnin í samstarfi við Hafnasamband Íslands....

Iceland nominated as Best Destination at The Wave Awards 2019

Iceland nominated as Best Destination at The Wave Awards 2019

The Wave Awards is the UK cruise industry’s premier awards. Now in their fourth year, they set a benchmark standard and recognize, reward and celebrate innovation and excellence within the sector. The Wave Awards are owned, organized and produced by Real Response...

New staff member at Cruise Iceland

New staff member at Cruise Iceland

Eva Michelsen has left her position at Cruise Iceland and Hera Gunnarsdottir has taken over her role. Hera is very familiar with Cruise Iceland and the cruise industry as she used to hold the position before Eva. We thank Eva for her great efforts for the Cruise...

AECO includes Iceland in geographical range

AECO includes Iceland in geographical range

AECO is an international association for expedition cruise operators operating in the Arctic. The association’s geographical range encompasses Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Greenland, Arctic Canada and the Russian Arctic National Park, and from 2019 also...